Officers, Coordinators, and Committees, 2021–2022

Chair: Jay C. Treat (2022)
Vice-Chair: Tracy Koontz (2022)
Secretary: Dale Harris (2022)
Treasurer: Ron Myers (2023)
Financial Secretary: Joy Tolar (2022)


Tracy Koontz (co-chair) Ricky Pfeifer Jesús García
Pat Treat Jay C. Treat Jayson Treat
(2022) (2023) (2024)


John Tolar Tim Haslett Kristen Presser
(2022) (2023) (2024)


Tim Haslett Dale Harris Pam Stratton (coordinator)
Richard Spada Janet Sette* Julie Koontz
Mary Mallory Kristen Presser  
Becky Johnson*    
(2022) (2023) (2024)

*Becky Johnson is completing the unfinished term of Jay C. Treat. Janet Sette is completing the unfinished term of Jayson Treat.
Deacons choose their co-coordinators.

Pastoral Relations Committee

Emily Treat Richard Spada Janet Sette
(2022) (2023) (2024)

Coordinators for 2021–2022

Communications Jay C. Treat
Education Pam Stratton
Evangelism Janet Sette
Membership Jayson Treat
Property Jay C. Treat and Jesús García
Social Concerns & World Outreach Dale Harris
Stewardship & Finance Emily Treat
Worship Jay C. and Pat Treat

Nominating Committee (2020–2021)

  • Dale Harris
  • Kristen Presser
  • Jayson Treat

Nominating Committee (2021–2022)

  • Jeff Johnston
  • Tracy Koontz
  • Janet Sette

Terms of Office

The Nominating Committee lasts until a new committee is elected in October.

Otherwise, term of office ends on June 30 of the year shown.


current as of June 28, 2021