Serving This Month

Serving in July 2024

Here are the people currently scheduled to serve in worship this month.

Elders Serving at the Lord’s Table

Date Event Bread Cup
July 7 Proper 9,
worship with Podowon
Kristen (Podowon)
July 14 Proper 10 Pat Jay
July 21 Proper 11 Ricky Kristen
July 28 Proper 12
guest preacher: Nancy Holt
elder 1: Tracy; elder 2: Ricky; elder 3: Jay
Tracy Pat

Deacons Serving at the Lord’s Table

  • Barb Shalles
  • Pam Stratton
  • Substitute: Mary Mallory

Volunteers for Sunday Preparations

Date Communion Preparation Breakfast Goodies
July 7 Dale (not needed)
July 14 Dale Barbara R.
July 21 Ricky NA
July 28 Ricky Barbara R.


You can sign up to bring Easter flowers or to have them purchased for you. The sign-up sheet is on the desk in the hallway.

Date Sunday Flowers or Worship Center Occasion
any Sunday  

For Other Months