We acknowledge Jesus Christ as our Sovereign Lord. Like all Disciples congregations, our congregation is led by local leaders in covenant with the regional and the general manifestations of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).
Our congregation's pastor is Janet Moore. She has served our congregation since 1991. A graduate of Texas Christian University and Christian Theological Seminary, she has been an active leader both within the congregation and in the wider community. She preaches with insight, plans inspiring worship services, and provides strong pastoral care. Her email address is marplecc@comcast.net.
Our congregation has about a hundred resident members. A large number of active lay leaders serve our congregation, including six elders and twelve deacons who lead care groups. We try to maintain an even mix of 3 men and 3 women as elders. Spiritual maturity is of more importance than age in the selection.
Jay C. Treat is the chair of our Board. Christopher Probst is our choir director and accompanist. Dr. E. Dale Harris is our assistant accompanist.