No Craft Fair in 2021!
The Christian Women's Fellowship (CWF, our ladies’ benevolence group) of Marple Christian Church is sadly announcing that there will be no Craft Fair in 2021.
Crafters Wanted for Craft Fair
The Christian Women's Fellowship (CWF)/Disciples Women's Ministries (DWM) of Marple Christian Church hosts our annual Craft Fairs. We are looking for crafters who make, decorate, or paint their crafts themselves. This craft fair began on the third Saturday in October of 2004 with items we made ourselves. We hosted craft fairs twice in 2005 (once in the Spring and once in October), opening the craft fair up to guest crafters, and the craft fairs have continued to be on the third Saturday in October since then. Many of our crafters have been with us most of these years.
The third Saturday in October (rain or shine) between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. On the same day, the Thomas Massey House next door hosts their Colonial Fall Festival with crafts and activities demonstrated from 10:00 until 4:00.
Craft items must be hand-produced (hand made, home made, hand decorated or hand painted) as opposed to selling a manufactured item or someone else's work. Decorating or painting from mass-produced sources is not accepted, such as Paint-By-Number or filling in frames for 'stained glass'. Unless a Crafter has been with us before, a few photos representative of their work must be submitted at the time of registration, or soon after (preferably in electronic form), in order to qualify. These can be sent in by email (preferably), or mailed in with the registration page. The photos will be put on our Craft Fair website on the crafter's own 'page', advertising his or her work. Besides being used to qualify the crafter for entry, they are also utilized to advertise the craft fair on the internet. If a crafter does not wish themselves to be advertised, they may opt out on the Registration form to have their personal name (and photos of themselves) left off their page, but we need to advertise their entry.
Deadline for Registration
The deadline to register for this Craft Fair is the Saturday two weeks before the event. Register early if you want an inside spot. Inside spaces are often all taken by the end of July. For those outside on the lawn, spaces are almost limitless. For those outdoor spaces closest to the bathroom, however, timeliness is important. Bring your own canopy tent if you have one, or choose to sit in the sunshine. Bring your own chairs for outside. (Stackable padded chairs are provided indoors, but you may bring your own chair if you prefer. Let us know if you will be bringing your own chair, please.)
The MCC Craft Fair is located at Marple Christian Church building and grounds, 475 Lawrence Rd, Broomall, PA 19008. The church website has a map. The building is wheel-chair accessible, and we have a wheel-chair accessible restroom. See facilities and signs.
Space Available
Outdoor spaces are located on the lawn between the church building and Lawrence Road. Spaces are approximately 12' X 12', allowing for a 10 x 10 canopy tent with support ropes in case of wind. Bring a canopy tent if you wish. For outside spaces, please bring your own chairs/seating. The placement of your space outside is reserved just as it is inside, based on when you registered, but tempered by handicap needs.
Indoor spaces are, of course, located inside the church building. Spaces are approximately 2.5' X 8' plus space for two people to sit. Depending on the location of the space in the building, this will be either 5' x 8' [the size of one 2.5' (30") x 8' table and a 3 foot space to sit and/or stand behind it], or 2.5' x 12.5' for a table along a wall, with a chair placed on each end of the table. Two chairs are provided because we encourage you to bring a helper for when you need to step away. If you will need more table space than an 8' table, please reserve two or more indoor spaces. As a courtesy, we provide two stacking-type padded chairs for indoor crafters free of charge.
Set-Up Time
Indoors: Friday 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. and/or Saturday 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. (We assign placement.)
Outdoors: Saturday 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. If you really need to start setting up earlier, you will need to contact the crafter coordinator, Dale Harris, by the day before because your space is pre-assigned but not marked. (We cannot be responsible for anything left outside overnight. We cannot be responsible for any items left unattended at any time. Please bring a helper for those times when you will need to use the restroom, get lunch, or otherwise leave your space.)
Contact Names
- Dale Harris, coordinator of crafters.
- Pat Treat, web publicity and email contact.
- Rev. Janet Moore, pastor (not responsible for the Craft Fair); kitchen director
Christian Women's Fellowship (Disciples Women's Ministries) of Marple Christian Church
Address: 475 Lawrence Road, Broomall, Pennsylvania 19008
Telephone: 610-356-6186 (leave a message);
Email: (with subject: Craft Fair).
Print our registration form (in PDF format). Either download the form and type in your information before printing it, or print it and then write your information by hand clearly. Please mail the completed form in with the fee.
Space Cost (these fees have not increased since the beginning)
- outdoors: $25.00;
- indoors: $25.00;
- table rental each $10.00; (Or you may choose to use your own table.)
- electrical plug: $5.00 (indoor use only, bring your own extension cord, see below);
- chair(s) provided free indoors. (Or you may choose to use your own chair(s).)
See details on registration form (in PDF format).
$5.00 for one plug-in at an outlet. Indoor use only, because extension cords are a tripping hazard. Bring your own extension cord. Only those crafters who have pre-arranged for an outlet will have a space close enough to an outlet; last minute arrangements will not be accepted (cord tripping hazard).
Other Specifics
Admission is free for customers/patrons.
Not a juried event; no jury fee.
Entertainment: Face or arm picture painting/painted tattoos; background music
Categories: Handmade, Home-made, Hand-decorated or Hand-painted Crafts
Awards: Your profits and friendships made
Food Vendor Information: CWF and church members will sell coffee, tea and sodas, hot dogs, tuna sandwiches, soups, candy, and baked goods. Sold indoors.
Security: Like most church craft fairs, we cannot provide a hired security force. Each of us have our own functions, and although we are happy to be very helpful in many ways, we are not necessarily able to provide a person to watch a crafter's table for him/her. Most crafters bring a friend or relative with them, so that their table will not be left unattended. We recommend this. Asking another crafter to watch your table is not adequate protection as they will be distracted when they have a customer.
Other Comments: Unload on premises. If possible, please park a few blocks away (parking is free) in order to leave as many parking places as possible for customers. A ride in a 'shuttle car' from parking to church is available upon request. (If the crafter is unable to do this, there is a place on the registration page to explain.) At the end of the craft fair, we have 'shuttle cars' provided for the purpose of taking you to get your vehicle.
In order to publicize our crafters, we require each crafter to submit at least one photograph (and encourage more) of your items to be included on our Craft Fair web pages. Please email photos to (with subject: Craft Fair, attention Pat Treat). Or, if unable to send by email, include a clear photograph or three with your registration in the mail. Previous crafters are exempt from this requirement as we already have all the photos we need. However, a crafter may submit more photos if they wish to.