Our State, Interregional, and International branches of DWM/CWF
On the local level we (the women of Marple Christian Church) have retained the name CWF, but on the Regional and broader levels, the name has been changed from Christian Women's Fellowship (CWF) to Disciples Women's Ministries (DWM) to better indicate the purpose of this charitable organization.
For information about and from the Disciples Women's Ministries of Pennsylvania, such as their annual retreat* and Spring Event, or DWM board cabinet, and various projects, please go to this web site: <https://secure5.nm-secure.com/padisciples/content.cfm?id=314>. Or try simply padisciples.com.
For information about the Interregional DWM, national DWM, and International DWM (IDWM), please go to: <http://www.discipleswomen.org>.
In June every four years [2010, 2014, 2018, 2022...] is the international gathering of Disciples Womens' Ministries for several days together (4 or 5 days) for study and worship. It is an international retreat called the Quadrennial (because it happens every fourth year). Go to <http://www.quadrennial.org> for all the details.
The next Quadrennial will be in July of 2018. The previous one was in Atlanta, Georgia, on July 24-28 of 2014.